FV 5-Axis Series

The new Mitsubishi FV fiber laser uses an innovative double-rail gantry motion system for high-speed, accurate cutting and 4.0G H-axis acceleration for high-speed height sensing—a combination that delivers the fastest processing in Mitsubishi 电’s history.

The FV’s major components are all made by Mitsubishi, including the oscillator and new platform X frame, meaning Mitsubishi 激光 is the single source for service and support.

This high-performance laser cutting system combines Mitsubishi’s latest developments in machine, CNC control and automated material handling system technologies.

Other features include:

  • An open architecture fixture table, allowing for easy access to cut parts and loading/unloading of material.
  • Magnetic crash protection, which provides faster recovery time, prevents the need for mechanical or optical alignment and reduces the risk of drive system damage.
  • The advanced M800 control system, which improves processing speed and accuracy. New control features include a customizable home page, expanded cutting condition library and robust maintenance screens.
  • The Mitsubishi 激光 oscillator, which offers maximum processing capability with back reflection beam isolation and beam mode stabilization technology.


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  • "“We’re excited with all of the things that Mitsubishi 激光 is bringing to the marketplace because it helps us achieve our goals of being profitable and having sustainable growth."

    如果查, Olympic Steel's plant manager of the Buford location’s Fabrication Division 了解更多
  • "It is just a mind-blowing, amazing machine. I had never been sold on fiber lasers because of micro-burr and concerns about edge quality, but the GX-F has burr reduction technology that makes burr non-existent."

    科迪御夫座, President of 激光nut 了解更多

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